STEM outreach

Tomorrow I’m going to Westminster Kingsway College in central London to talk to 11-18 year olds about careers in science, technology engineering and maths (STEM). The organisers have given us some questions the kids might ask and I thought that working through a few on here would help me get my thoughts together. I’m not…

Impact of Khmer/Diginorm on SPAdes and Velvet assembly

As the final part of my assembly optimisation I was interested in the impact of Titus Brown’s Khmer/Diginorm approach on speed and quality. Ten samples (VTECs sequenced on GAII) were assembled with a variety of pipelines: SPAdes corrected fastqs, assembled with SPAdes Khmer-ed fastqs, SPAdes corrected, assembled with SPAdes SPAdes corrected fastqs, assembled with Velvet…