Guideline to bioinformatics tools

Quality Assessment and Trimming Trimmomatic Trimmomatic: A flexible trimmer for Illumina Sequence Data. Bolger, A. M., Lohse, M., & Usadel, B. (2014). Bioinformatics, btu170. A flexible read trimming tool that will remove Illumina adapters, reads below a certain length and low quality ends of the read Seqtk Tool for processing sequences in the FASTA…

My time, your time, compute time

I have recently started using the high performance cluster at the Sanger Institute, and it comes with an interesting quandary. You have to be explicit in the amount of RAM you request when you submit your job (the PHE cluster wasn’t like this). Then, that amount of RAM is assigned to your job and wont…

Cool built-in python tips and tricks

Travis Oliphant, who is involved with the really useful conda project, recently tweeted about David Beazley’s talk at pycon in chicago. Here’s the link to the whole thing, which is definitely worth watching. There are a few great tips in there, all around the idea that you only have to use python built-ins to do cool…